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2015-03-09 March
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
March 9, 2015
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:03PM present were Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher,  John Barrett, Roger Ropoza and Pam Haman.
Appointments: Colin McNabb, Townsend Business Men’s Assoc.

Colin attended the meeting to discuss “cars on the common”.  Colin would like to see continued restoration of the common especially upgrading the lawn.  However vehicles driving on the common continue to damage the lawn and trees.  Many local groups feel that it is important that vehicles be allowed on the common to unload and load for their events.  Colin feels that to invest in the repairing of the lawn cars would need to be banned from the common except for emergencies or department work.  The commissioners would also like to see the common lawn upgraded and tree root damaged stopped however many groups have very strong opinions on this issue.

The common would need to be graded and leveled.  This might be a 4-5 year project with an area blocked off to traffic each year.  Getting groups to together to explain the importance of preserving the common grounds and trees.  That it would not be feasible to develop a plan to preserve the common and stop the continued root damage to trees and the lawn if vehicle traffic is allowed on the common.

John made a motion to Table this issue of the common preservation to the next meeting pending additional information.  Tubby second all were in favor motion carried.

Common use letter will be sent out to groups using the common for events. Common rules will be an agenda item for the April meeting and Colin will plan to attend.

John made a motion to accept the articles for the annual town meeting.  Ray second all were in favor motion approved.  Roger will submit articles to Town Hall.

The commissioners accepted the quote from Stateline Custom Floors to redo the flooring in the Kimball House.

Adams Dam use/repair will be tabled to a later meeting.

Bills and deed were reviewed and approved.

Next meeting April 13, 2014 at 7PM.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.


Pam Haman